Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekend Crop a success

This past weekend, I attended a Git-R-Done crop that ran Friday from 3 pm to 2 am and Saturday from 6 am to 10 pm. Surprisingly, I made it until about 11:30 on Friday night (I get up at 5 am M-F). Then on Saturday I got there at about 9:30/10 am and stayed until about 9:30. I must still be recuperating because I haven't had the ambition to get my layouts from the weekend scanned into the computer.
I got 9 pages done. That was a lot for me. I am a terribly slow scrapper and usually lose my mojo after 3-4 layouts. The best part of the crop was seeing some of the girls that I used to scrap with when we had a lss. The next one is scheduled for February and I definitely plan on attending.

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